Sunday, February 8, 2009

What makes a good kiss

Do you have your date already this Valentine's Day? I don't have mine yet 'coz I'm not planning to celebrate it though.

Read the rest of this entry...

If you're taken, why not just celebrate with other couples in the Close-Up Lovapalooza 2009 on February 14 at the SM Mall of Asia and participate in the simultaneous kissing?

Performers for Lovapalooza 2009 include Rico Blanco, Bamboo, SpongeCola and Pupil.

And speaking about kissing...

What really makes a good kiss?

Here's an article from Lawrence Journal-World and get the tips you need for your Valentine date:

A kiss. A simple act between two people conveying emotion and affection. Nothing more than two sets of lips connecting.

But, of course, that’s not the whole story when it comes to a kiss. And aside from the obvious good kiss killer — bad breath — there are many aspects of a kiss that define the quality of a kiss, such as timing, technique and length, all of which are subject to the preferences of the particular kisser.

With perhaps the biggest kissing holiday, Valentine’s Day, coming up, we set out on a recent Friday evening on Massachusetts Street to discover what makes a good kiss in the eyes and lips of some local kissers.


The comments by local kissers reveal the delicate balance involved in the many aspects of the perfect smooch.

A kiss is, after all, a display of emotion, and having some strong feelings behind a kiss is a necessary element, according to Anthony Blue, a Kansas University alumnus vacationing in Lawrence.

“It’s got to have some passion behind it,” says Blue, adding that the passion increases during those tense moments of build-up before going in for the kiss.

Another way to up the passion level? It’s in the eyes, says Lawrence resident Luke Adams.

“Good eye contact helps,” Adams says.

For KU freshman Terri Downs, a good kiss needs passion, but not too much, adding that one of her big kissing pet peeves is those who come in too aggressively.

“You’ve got to be smooth,” Downs says.

Lips and tongue

When it comes to the lip and tongue movement of a kiss, it’s a balancing act between too little and too much.

Mike Carson, of Kansas City, says soft lips are the key, while his girlfriend, Holly Hatfield, cautions against too much spit and too much biting.

Zach Buescher of Overland Park says that in addition to “warmth,” the right amount of pressure involved in that magic lip lock, what he calls a “good seal,” is also key in a good kiss.


But a kiss, with just the right amount of tongue, pressure and passion, means nothing without timing, says Lawrence resident Brandon Bowman.

So when was the right time for Bowman to make that first move on his wife, Casady? He admits that it was while watching the horror film “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre” — showing that timing, and what makes a good kiss, is open for interpretation.

The person

Jane and Max Rogers of Overland Park have been married 37 years, and have exchanged quite a few kisses in nearly four decades together. They brush off any talk about the mechanics and techniques involved in a good kiss, and said it comes down to love.

“I don’t think there’s a bad kiss if you love each other,” Jane Rogers says.


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