It was a festival of hunks (and also beauties) during the Summer Aqua Fest last February 26-28, 2009 at Lago Del Rey in Pili, Camarines Sur.
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The said event also marked the opening of Lago Del Rey, a giant man-made lake, which is just one of the tourism projects of Camarines Sur Governor L-Ray Villafuerte.
In Lago Del Ray, you can do swimming, wall climbing, surfing, wakeboarding, skiing, dragonboating, water slides, polo, volleyball and many more.
Gov. LRay is also the man behind the internationally-famous CamSur Watersports Complex (CWC).
Celebrities who graced the event (some participated in the Aqua Fest Celebrity Challenge) include Marc Nelson, Dyan Castillejo, Marco Alcaraz, Gary Estrada, Joey Marquez, Jeremy Marquez, Ketchup Eusebio, John Estrada, Priscilla Meirelles, Jordan Herrera, Ryan Yllana, LJ Moreno, Benj Pacia, Raymond Gutierrez, Denise Laurel, Janelle Jamer, JM Rodriguez, Carla Humphries, Anjo Yllana, Maggie Wilson, Bobby Yan and Tim Yap.
Photos courtesy of CWC
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